Beyond Ghor was a city. All its inhabitants were blind.
A king and his entourage arrived near the scene, brought his army and camped in the desert.
had a mighty elephant that used to attack and increase the fear of people.
People were eager to see the elephant, and some blind is blind community
rushed like mad to encontrarlo.Como not even know how
and appearance of so many blind elephant, to gather information, feeling parts of your body . Everyone thought they knew something, because he could play a part él.Cuando returned with his fellow citizens, eager groups clustered around. Everyone was anxious, looking for the truth of wrong from those who were errados.Preguntaron by the shape and appearance of the elephant and heard all those dijeron.Al man who touched the ear was asked about the nature of the elephant. He said: "It's a big, rugged, wide and thick as a doormat." And he had felt the trunk said: "I know the facts, is like a straight and hollow pipe, awful and destructive." Whoever had touched his feet said: "It is powerful and strong like a pillar." Each had felt one part of many. Each one had perceived wrongly. None knew all: knowledge is not the companion of blind. All imagined something, something equivocado.La human being is not informed about the divinity. There
road in this science by the ordinary intellect. * * *
This story is more famous version of Rumi "The Elephant in the dark house", located in the Mathnavi. Hakim Sanai, Rumi's teacher, gives us this before the first book version of his classic Sufi "The Walled Garden of Truth." He died in 1150. Both are stories from a similar argument, which according to tradition, has been used by teachers for several centuries Sufis.