100 000 women have abortions a year
Mar, 05/04/2011 - 8:19
Unsafe abortion is a problem not only affects the newborn but also to the mother. The proof is that it has become the second leading cause of maternal death in Peru and one of the major countries of the Andean subregion.
editor. The Republic
According to "Gender and health profile in the Andean region", presented yesterday by Minister of Women and Social Development, Virginia Borra, the contribution of unsafe abortion (or clandestine) on maternal mortality is 9.5% in Peru. See graphic
The paper explains that "the denial of the right to decide freely on having children, domestic violence, poor public services and information for health care reproductive failure and lack of policies and sex education are strongly associated causes of death in women of reproductive age in the countries of the subregion. "
More than 350 000 abortions in Peru
In our country, according to research from the Center for Peruvian Women Flora Tristan and Pathfinder International, 352 000 abortions occur annually, indicating that this calculation implied that 5% of all Peruvian women of reproductive age is likely to have an abortion. In Lima, the figure is about 100 thousand a year.
mentioned also the first report indicating that the relationship between abortion and maternal mortality primarily affects women from disadvantaged socioeconomic groups, ie the poorest and socially excluded.
for equality in health policy holder Mimdes
The Virginia Borra, said the study identifies the problems of inequality and inequity in health care for women.
"The countries of the subregion aim to comprehensive policies and health education to improve this situation," he added.
the absence of a protocol of therapeutic abortion in our country, many women opt for unsafe abortion is illegal, not specialists and in unfavorable conditions. The Ministry of Health has not approved this document.