The first part presents the importance of watching, being aware of the period that separates (or unites) the state of sleep and awake to asleep to awake. That short time that we are neither in the world of dream or the waking world, that space where we can have a vision or a "glimpse of our being." We continue with the word Master Osho
how? When you go to sleep, relax. Close your eyes, you that the room is dark. Close your eyes and begin to wait. Sleep is coming, just wait, do nothing, just wait! Your body is relaxed, the body is becoming heavier, feel it. Feels like is heavy. Sleep has its own mechanism and starts. Your waking consciousness is fading. Remember that the time will be very subtle and the time is atomic. If you miss it, you've lost. It is a very long period: a single moment, a short lapse, and you change from wakefulness to sleep. Just wait, fully conscious. Still waiting. Take time. It will take at least three months. Only then can have a glimpse of when you're right in the middle. So do not hurry. You can not do it right now, you can not do it tonight. But you have to start and you may have to wait for months.
normally within three months, one day happen. It's happening every day, but your consciousness and find the period can not be planned. It is an event. You just still waiting, and one day it happens. One day, suddenly aware that footage you are neither awake nor asleep, a very strange phenomenon. You may even be scared, because you've only known two things: you know when you're asleep, you know when you're awake. But do not know a third point in your being you're not any of those things. In its first impact may be scared and afraid. Do not panic and do not be afraid. Anything that is so new, previously unknown, will produce some fear, because now, when I have felt again and again, I will also give another feeling: that you are neither alive nor dead, neither this nor that. It is an abyss.
These two mechanisms are like two hills, jump from one vertex to another. If you stay in the middle you fall into an abyss, the abyss is bottomless, still falling, still falling. Surfers have used this technique, and before this technique to a search engine, also give a practical one, as a safeguard. Whenever this technique is given in the circles surfers, before there is another practice that is to imagine with closed eyes you're falling into a deep, dark, deep and bottomless. Just imagine that you're falling into a deep well, falling and falling and falling, ever falling. Has no bottom, you can not get to the bottom. This fall can not stop anywhere. You can stop, you can open your eyes and say enough, but the fall itself can not cease. If you continue, the well has no bottom, and becomes increasingly dark. In systems
surfers, this year the well-this exercise of bottomless dark pit, is practiced first. It's good, useful. If you have practiced and I've noticed her beauty, her silence, then the deeper you go into the well, quieter you become. The world has fallen far, and feel that you have gone far, far, far away. The silence grows dark, and deep down there is no bottom. The fear comes to mind, but you know that this is just imagination, so you can continue.
Through this exercise you become able to do this technique, and then when you fall into the pit between wakefulness and sleep, not imagination, is real, and no bottom, the abyss has no bottom. That is why Buddha has called this nothing empty: shunya. There is no end. Once you know, you too you become endless. It is difficult have this glimpse while you are awake. Therefore it is impossible, of course, when you're asleep, then the mechanism is working, and it is difficult to disconnect from the mechanism. But there comes a time in the evening and later in the morning, twenty-four hours there are these two moments, in which is very easy, but just wait.
When you're about to sleep when you're not already asleep and external wakefulness vanishes, at this point Being is revealed, then you know who you are, what is your real self, what is your real existence.
The Book of Secrets
teacher Osho
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