think has become a disease. The disease occurs when things are out of balance. REFLECTIONS ON TERRORISM
The word God has become empty of meaning through thousands of years of misuse. I use it once, but do little. Through misuse understand that people who have never had a glimpse of the "kingdom of the sacred, the infinite truth that lies behind this word, use it with great conviction, as if they know what they're talking about. Or they argue against it, like they know what they are denying.
This misuse gives rise to absurd beliefs and statements and deceptions of the ego, such as: My or our God is the one true God and your God is false or Nietzsche's famous statement "God is dead."
The word God has become a closed concept. At the moment it is pronounced, it creates a mental image, perhaps no longer a white-bearded old man, but a mental representation of someone or something outside one and, almost inevitably, something or someone male.
Neither God nor Being nor any other word can define or explain the ineffable reality behind them, so the only question is whether the word is a help or a hindrance to enable the person to experience what he says. Do you point beyond itself to that transcendental reality or too easily tends to become only an idea in your head that self create a mental idol? Being
The word explains nothing, but neither does the word God, but Self has the advantage that it is an open concept.
not reduce the infinite invisible to a finite entity. It is impossible to form a mental image of it. Nobody can claim exclusive possession of Being is its own essence and is immediately accessible to the person, as a sense of his own presence, I am understanding that is earlier than I am this or I am that. So there is only one small step from the word Being to the experience of Being
The greatest obstacle to experiencing this reality, is the identification with the mind, which causes thought to become compulsive. Not being able to stop thinking is a terrible calamity, but generally we are not aware of it so it is considered normal. This incessant mental noise prevents us from finding that realm of inner stillness that is inseparable from Being also creates a false self, made by the mind that casts a shadow of fear and suffering.
The philosopher Descartes believed he had found a fundamental truth when he made his famous statement: "I think therefore I am." In fact he had given expression to the basic error: to equate thinking with being and identity with thinking. The compulsive thinker, which means almost everyone lives in a state of apparent separateness, in an insanely complex world of continuous problems and conflict, a world that reflects the increasing fragmentation of the mind. "Enlightenment" is a state of wholeness, of being in "union" and therefore in peace. In conjunction with life in its manifested aspect, the world, and with her deepest and unspoken life in union with the Self
The "enlightenment" is not just the end of suffering and of continuous conflict within and without, but also to the terrible bondage of incessant thinking. What an incredible release!
Identification with the mind creates an opaque screen of concepts, labels, images, words, judgments and definitions that blocks all true relationship. Interposed between one and his own self, one to his neighbor, between one and nature, between one and "God" ... is this screen of thought that creates the illusion of separation, the illusion that there is one and an "other" totally separate. So forget the essential fact that, below the level of physical appearances and separate forms, "we are one with all that is." To "forget" to say that the person can no longer feel this oneness as self-evident reality. You may think that is true, but I do not know it's true. A belief may be comforting. However, only through experience becomes liberating.
Thinking has become a disease. The disease occurs when things are out of balance. For example, there is nothing wrong in cells to multiply and divide in the body, but when this process continues without into account the total organism, cells proliferate and we have a disease. Anoto
it is indisputable that the mind is a superb instrument if used correctly. Improperly used, however, it becomes very destructive. To put it more accurately, not a matter of "use it" inappropriately, usually not used at all. She uses us. That is the disease. Believing that one is his mind. That is deception. The instrument has gripped One
The beginning of freedom is the realization that one is not the entity that owns it, who thinks. Knowing this allows you to look at that institution. At the moment you start watching the thinker, is activated higher level of consciousness. Then one begins to realize that there is a vast realm of intelligence beyond thought, that thought is only a tiny aspect of that intelligence. Also realize that everything that really matters-love, generosity, creativity, joy, inner peace, etc ... come from a "place" beyond the mind.
Here begins an awakening ... a "glimpse" ...
Excerpts from the book by Eckhart Tolle "The Power of the mind."
(Disturbed and adapted by Francisco Garcia Huidobro)
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Great Clip Do They Color Hair
by Vandana Shiva
Terrorism is the reaction of those who have been deprived of voice.
Terrorism is the cry of the voiceless.
Terrorism does not develop if democracy thrives
because it ensures that your voice is heard and dissent is taken into account.
Although it is clear worldwide that the issue of terrorism
is the problem of lack of opportunity to influence our own destiny,
terrorism was not perceived in the mainstream media as
the anger of the dispossessed but as the people who have a genetic flaw.
Nobody is born a terrorist, but becomes a terrorist.
The fact that terrorism is growing
should compel us to analyze what creates the conditions for growth.
The breeding ground is the corporate greed
who want to control every drop of water, every drop of oil, every inch of land,
every germ on the planet.
Such exclusions produces enormous greed.
These exclusions will generate violent responses
if not restored quickly peaceful democracy.
Most people are not aware that India
already controlled large parts
by those who adhere to ideologies based on exclusion
and they resort to violent methods.
is an inevitable phenomenon in the dispossession and excludes millions of people
its authentic livelihood and freedom.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
How To.install Halo Headlights On Impala
Leonora Carrington's roots are in northern England. Born in Lancashire in 1917 and was the only daughter of a wealthy textile industry and an Irish mother. Fundamental
proved to their personal search some books on alchemy and the esoteric, as well as the works of Alexandra David-Neel and Sir James Frazer. With Mystics and Magicians in Tibet and Initiations in Tibet of the office (both 1931), describing in detail the travels of an independent woman during a trip of enlightenment in the Himalayas, were a source of inspiration for the study that Carrington has made over of his life on spiritual practices budistas.El book The Golden Bough (1890) Frazer, which explores the pagan origins of Christian dogma and shows the influence of agriculture on religion, reinforced his growing skepticism about the veracity of the official versions of history. WORK
Leonora Carrington's paintings were often motivated by personal, subjective and imaginado.Es a world of changing landscapes where time and space merge. The consciousness stops at the exact point where it crosses the material with the immaterial. "Everything is connected to something else," said Leonora, "And what interests me is what produces the connection."
The literary and pictorial Carrington is a world of limits indefinidos.Y where the elements that shape relationships apparently "opposite", ie high and low, the communicable and the incommunicable, night and day, no longer seen as contradicciones.Carrington always been aware of the power of space between things and the spirits that live there: between here and there, waking and dream, the ordinary and extraordinary. His images are often a lucid dream states, and capture those who show signs of exceptional power. "We all need to recognize and powers such as anger, love and hatred," he says. "But we do not know what they are, and we have great difficulty in naming them. The ancient Greeks called gods and goddesses, but they were only names convenient. After all, you can not invent a goddess." However, for forty years has been of paramount importance for his work to recognize that the patriarchal culture has repressed women, humans have lost their sensitivity and respect for nature, necessary to sustain life, and that the relationship between the human and animal are crucial for the continue life on this planet as we know. His quest for knowledge and understanding has never ceased and is convinced that new forms of knowledge
- of fractile geometry to the theory of chaos promise to open new doors to the awareness and understanding.

Leonora Carrington's roots are in northern England. Born in Lancashire in 1917 and was the only daughter of a wealthy textile industry and an Irish mother. Fundamental
proved to their personal search some books on alchemy and the esoteric, as well as the works of Alexandra David-Neel and Sir James Frazer. With Mystics and Magicians in Tibet and Initiations in Tibet of the office (both 1931), describing in detail the travels of an independent woman during a trip of enlightenment in the Himalayas, were a source of inspiration for the study that Carrington has made over of his life on spiritual practices budistas.El book The Golden Bough (1890) Frazer, which explores the pagan origins of Christian dogma and shows the influence of agriculture on religion, reinforced his growing skepticism about the veracity of the official versions of history. WORK
Leonora Carrington's paintings were often motivated by personal, subjective and imaginado.Es a world of changing landscapes where time and space merge. The consciousness stops at the exact point where it crosses the material with the immaterial. "Everything is connected to something else," said Leonora, "And what interests me is what produces the connection."
The literary and pictorial Carrington is a world of limits indefinidos.Y where the elements that shape relationships apparently "opposite", ie high and low, the communicable and the incommunicable, night and day, no longer seen as contradicciones.Carrington always been aware of the power of space between things and the spirits that live there: between here and there, waking and dream, the ordinary and extraordinary. His images are often a lucid dream states, and capture those who show signs of exceptional power. "We all need to recognize and powers such as anger, love and hatred," he says. "But we do not know what they are, and we have great difficulty in naming them. The ancient Greeks called gods and goddesses, but they were only names convenient. After all, you can not invent a goddess." However, for forty years has been of paramount importance for his work to recognize that the patriarchal culture has repressed women, humans have lost their sensitivity and respect for nature, necessary to sustain life, and that the relationship between the human and animal are crucial for the continue life on this planet as we know. His quest for knowledge and understanding has never ceased and is convinced that new forms of knowledge
- of fractile geometry to the theory of chaos promise to open new doors to the awareness and understanding.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Whats The Highest Psat Score
Beyond Ghor was a city. All its inhabitants were blind.
A king and his entourage arrived near the scene, brought his army and camped in the desert.
had a mighty elephant that used to attack and increase the fear of people.
People were eager to see the elephant, and some blind is blind community
rushed like mad to encontrarlo.Como not even know how
and appearance of so many blind elephant, to gather information, feeling parts of your body . Everyone thought they knew something, because he could play a part él.Cuando returned with his fellow citizens, eager groups clustered around. Everyone was anxious, looking for the truth of wrong from those who were errados.Preguntaron by the shape and appearance of the elephant and heard all those dijeron.Al man who touched the ear was asked about the nature of the elephant. He said: "It's a big, rugged, wide and thick as a doormat." And he had felt the trunk said: "I know the facts, is like a straight and hollow pipe, awful and destructive." Whoever had touched his feet said: "It is powerful and strong like a pillar." Each had felt one part of many. Each one had perceived wrongly. None knew all: knowledge is not the companion of blind. All imagined something, something equivocado.La human being is not informed about the divinity. There
road in this science by the ordinary intellect. * * *
This story is more famous version of Rumi "The Elephant in the dark house", located in the Mathnavi. Hakim Sanai, Rumi's teacher, gives us this before the first book version of his classic Sufi "The Walled Garden of Truth." He died in 1150. Both are stories from a similar argument, which according to tradition, has been used by teachers for several centuries Sufis.

Beyond Ghor was a city. All its inhabitants were blind.
A king and his entourage arrived near the scene, brought his army and camped in the desert.
had a mighty elephant that used to attack and increase the fear of people.
People were eager to see the elephant, and some blind is blind community
rushed like mad to encontrarlo.Como not even know how
and appearance of so many blind elephant, to gather information, feeling parts of your body . Everyone thought they knew something, because he could play a part él.Cuando returned with his fellow citizens, eager groups clustered around. Everyone was anxious, looking for the truth of wrong from those who were errados.Preguntaron by the shape and appearance of the elephant and heard all those dijeron.Al man who touched the ear was asked about the nature of the elephant. He said: "It's a big, rugged, wide and thick as a doormat." And he had felt the trunk said: "I know the facts, is like a straight and hollow pipe, awful and destructive." Whoever had touched his feet said: "It is powerful and strong like a pillar." Each had felt one part of many. Each one had perceived wrongly. None knew all: knowledge is not the companion of blind. All imagined something, something equivocado.La human being is not informed about the divinity. There
road in this science by the ordinary intellect. * * *
This story is more famous version of Rumi "The Elephant in the dark house", located in the Mathnavi. Hakim Sanai, Rumi's teacher, gives us this before the first book version of his classic Sufi "The Walled Garden of Truth." He died in 1150. Both are stories from a similar argument, which according to tradition, has been used by teachers for several centuries Sufis.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Cheats Para Pokemon Orange Gpsphone
Pablo Neruda
From time to time and in the distance, you need a bath grave.
No doubt all is well and everything is very bad, no doubt.
passengers come and go, children grow up and the streets,
finally bought the guitar crying alone in the store.
all right, everything is wrong.
The glasses are filled and naturally turn to be empty
and sometimes in the morning, they die mysteriously.
cups and those who drank.
We have grown so much that we do not greet your neighbor
and many women love us do not know how. What we
beautiful clothes! And how important feedback!
met a man believed to orange yellow
black dress and a blonde.
see and be seen so many things. Vi
feted by gentlemen thieves
impeccable and this is happening in English.
And I saw the honest, hungry, looking for bread in the trash.
I know that no one believes me. But I have seen with my eyes.
have to take a bath slash-and-from the ground looking up closed pride.
Then he learns to measure. You learn to talk, you learn to be.
Maybe we will not be as crazy, maybe we will not be so wise.
learn to die. To be mud, not have eyes.
A name be forgotten.
There are some poets too large to fit on a
door and a quick merchants who do not remember poverty.
There are women who will not enter through the eye of an onion
and so many things, many things, and so are, and so will not be.
If you would not believe me nothing.
just wanted to show you something.
I am a teacher of life, lazy student
death and if I know does not serve have not said anything, but everything.
Pablo Neruda
From time to time and in the distance, you need a bath grave.
No doubt all is well and everything is very bad, no doubt.
passengers come and go, children grow up and the streets,
finally bought the guitar crying alone in the store.
all right, everything is wrong.
The glasses are filled and naturally turn to be empty
and sometimes in the morning, they die mysteriously.
cups and those who drank.
We have grown so much that we do not greet your neighbor
and many women love us do not know how. What we
beautiful clothes! And how important feedback!
met a man believed to orange yellow
black dress and a blonde.
see and be seen so many things. Vi
feted by gentlemen thieves
impeccable and this is happening in English.
And I saw the honest, hungry, looking for bread in the trash.
I know that no one believes me. But I have seen with my eyes.
have to take a bath slash-and-from the ground looking up closed pride.
Then he learns to measure. You learn to talk, you learn to be.
Maybe we will not be as crazy, maybe we will not be so wise.
learn to die. To be mud, not have eyes.
A name be forgotten.
There are some poets too large to fit on a
door and a quick merchants who do not remember poverty.
There are women who will not enter through the eye of an onion
and so many things, many things, and so are, and so will not be.
If you would not believe me nothing.
just wanted to show you something.
I am a teacher of life, lazy student
death and if I know does not serve have not said anything, but everything.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Can Certain Infections Cause Strokes
Monday, April 3, 2006
Collections Letter Dental

WILLIAM BLAKE (1757-1827)
"I do not contemplate the apparent creation. .. This is an impediment and no action. "Thus William Blake - painter, engraver and poet - explained why his work was filled with religious visions rather than daily life issues. Few people in his time realized that Blake expressed these visions with a talent that approached the genius. He lived near poverty and died unrecognized. Today, however, Blake is acclaimed as one of the great figures in art and English literature, and one of the most inspired and original painters of his time.
Blake was born November 28, 1757, in London. His father ran a hosiery shop. William, the third of five children, went to school only long enough to learn to read and write, and then worked at the store until he was 14 years. When the father found the boy's talent for drawing, put him to work as an apprentice engraver.
At 25 Blake married Catherine Boucher. He taught her to read and write and help with their work. They had no children. They worked together to produce an edition of Blake's poems and drawings, called Songs of Innocence. Blake recorded words and images on copper plates. Catherine made the prints, hand-colored pictures and put together the books. These were sold slowly for a few shillings each. Today a single copy is worth several thousand dollars. Blake's fame as an artist and engraver rests largely part on a set of 21 etchings on copper plates illustrating The Book of Job in the Old Testament. But did many jobs for which other artists and engravers got the fame. Blake was a poor businessman, and preferred to work on issues of their own choosing rather than the editors who assigned him.
was a follower of Emanuel Swedenborg, "who showed him a gentle and mystic interpretation of Christianity, Blake wrote poetry that largely reflects the views Swedenborgians. Songs of Innocence (1789) show life as seen by innocent children. Songs of Experience (1794) include the completion of the pain and terror in the universe for mature. This book contains his famous "Tigre! Tigre! Burning Bright." The Book of Urizen (1800), Milton (1804-2008) and Jerusalem (1804-1820) are works longer and darker. Blake died on August 12, 1827.
Friday, March 17, 2006
Dark Hair American Actress
A river, from its origins in distant mountains, after going through all kinds and layout of fields, finally reached the desert sands. Just as he had drawn all the other obstacles, the river tried to cross the latter, but realized that the water disappeared into the sand as soon reached éstas.Estaba convinced, however, that his destiny was to cross this desert, and yet there was no way. Then a hidden voice, coming from the desert itself, whispered: "The wind crosses the desert, and so can the river." Objected to the river was crashing against the sand, and only managed to be absorbed, that the wind could fly and that was the reason why I could cross the desert. "Arrojándote with violence the way it does not get across. disappear or you will become a swamp. You let the wind take you to your destination. "But how could this happen? "By consenting to be absorbed by the wind." This idea was not acceptable to the River. After all, he had never been absorbed before. Do not want to lose their individuality. "And, once lost it, how can one know if it will ever recover?" "The wind," said Sands, "meets this function. Raise the water, carries over the desert and then dropped. Falling like the rain, the river becomes water again. "" What I can tell this is true? "" Yes, and if you do not believe, do not you will become a swamp, and even that would take many, but many years, and a swamp, certainly not the same as a river. "" But I can not remain the same river that I am now? "" You can not in any case remain so, "continued the voice." You essential part is carried to form a nuevamente.Eres river so called, even today, because you do not know what part of you is essential. "When he heard this, certain echoes began to resonate in the thoughts of river. I vaguely recalled a state in which it, or part of it, what would it be?, Was carried in the arms of the wind. He also recalled "Or was it? - That's what we really should do, even if not as the river rose obvio.Y vapors in the welcoming arms of the wind, gentle and easily took him up and in the distance, dropping slowly as soon would have reached the top of a mountain, many, many miles away. And because he had his doubts, the river could remember and record more strongly in his mind, the details of the experience. Reflected: "Yes, now I know my true identity." The river was learning, but the sands whispered: "We know, because we see this happen day after day, and because we, the sands, extend all the way from the shores of river to the mountain. "And that's why they say that the way in which the River of Life has to continue its journey is written in the Arenas.
* * *
This beautiful story is common in the oral tradition of many languages, circulated mostly among the dervishes and their discípulos.Fue transcribed in the book "The Mystic Rose Garden of the King" by Sir Fairfax Cartwright, published in Great Britain at present 1899.La Awad Afifi version is the Tunisian, who died in 1870.
A river, from its origins in distant mountains, after going through all kinds and layout of fields, finally reached the desert sands. Just as he had drawn all the other obstacles, the river tried to cross the latter, but realized that the water disappeared into the sand as soon reached éstas.Estaba convinced, however, that his destiny was to cross this desert, and yet there was no way. Then a hidden voice, coming from the desert itself, whispered: "The wind crosses the desert, and so can the river." Objected to the river was crashing against the sand, and only managed to be absorbed, that the wind could fly and that was the reason why I could cross the desert. "Arrojándote with violence the way it does not get across. disappear or you will become a swamp. You let the wind take you to your destination. "But how could this happen? "By consenting to be absorbed by the wind." This idea was not acceptable to the River. After all, he had never been absorbed before. Do not want to lose their individuality. "And, once lost it, how can one know if it will ever recover?" "The wind," said Sands, "meets this function. Raise the water, carries over the desert and then dropped. Falling like the rain, the river becomes water again. "" What I can tell this is true? "" Yes, and if you do not believe, do not you will become a swamp, and even that would take many, but many years, and a swamp, certainly not the same as a river. "" But I can not remain the same river that I am now? "" You can not in any case remain so, "continued the voice." You essential part is carried to form a nuevamente.Eres river so called, even today, because you do not know what part of you is essential. "When he heard this, certain echoes began to resonate in the thoughts of river. I vaguely recalled a state in which it, or part of it, what would it be?, Was carried in the arms of the wind. He also recalled "Or was it? - That's what we really should do, even if not as the river rose obvio.Y vapors in the welcoming arms of the wind, gentle and easily took him up and in the distance, dropping slowly as soon would have reached the top of a mountain, many, many miles away. And because he had his doubts, the river could remember and record more strongly in his mind, the details of the experience. Reflected: "Yes, now I know my true identity." The river was learning, but the sands whispered: "We know, because we see this happen day after day, and because we, the sands, extend all the way from the shores of river to the mountain. "And that's why they say that the way in which the River of Life has to continue its journey is written in the Arenas.
* * *
This beautiful story is common in the oral tradition of many languages, circulated mostly among the dervishes and their discípulos.Fue transcribed in the book "The Mystic Rose Garden of the King" by Sir Fairfax Cartwright, published in Great Britain at present 1899.La Awad Afifi version is the Tunisian, who died in 1870.
Sunday, January 1, 2006
Cat Frontline Syringe
miss your hands
Open your eyes at dawn and find
alone, naked and beautiful. Feeling lightweight
miss your hands. Green
the morning light, the prisoner.
wounded, at the mercy of your ghosts. Feeling pain and longing
your hands. Remind
at noon to my right,
keep my dreams, watching yours.
tenderness and yearning Feeling your hands. Learn
afternoon that day
no happy while you're not happy.
feel the anger and yearning for your hands. Discover
when it gets dark
only thing left to give is not to touch.
Feeling sad and miss your hands.
And at night, face down in bed, dreaming
your hand squeezing mine,
the weight of your soft body on my body.
feel that I love you.
And miss your hands.
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