Leonora Carrington's roots are in northern England. Born in Lancashire in 1917 and was the only daughter of a wealthy textile industry and an Irish mother. Fundamental
proved to their personal search some books on alchemy and the esoteric, as well as the works of Alexandra David-Neel and Sir James Frazer. With Mystics and Magicians in Tibet and Initiations in Tibet of the office (both 1931), describing in detail the travels of an independent woman during a trip of enlightenment in the Himalayas, were a source of inspiration for the study that Carrington has made over of his life on spiritual practices budistas.El book The Golden Bough (1890) Frazer, which explores the pagan origins of Christian dogma and shows the influence of agriculture on religion, reinforced his growing skepticism about the veracity of the official versions of history. WORK
Leonora Carrington's paintings were often motivated by personal, subjective and imaginado.Es a world of changing landscapes where time and space merge. The consciousness stops at the exact point where it crosses the material with the immaterial. "Everything is connected to something else," said Leonora, "And what interests me is what produces the connection."
The literary and pictorial Carrington is a world of limits indefinidos.Y where the elements that shape relationships apparently "opposite", ie high and low, the communicable and the incommunicable, night and day, no longer seen as contradicciones.Carrington always been aware of the power of space between things and the spirits that live there: between here and there, waking and dream, the ordinary and extraordinary. His images are often a lucid dream states, and capture those who show signs of exceptional power. "We all need to recognize and powers such as anger, love and hatred," he says. "But we do not know what they are, and we have great difficulty in naming them. The ancient Greeks called gods and goddesses, but they were only names convenient. After all, you can not invent a goddess." However, for forty years has been of paramount importance for his work to recognize that the patriarchal culture has repressed women, humans have lost their sensitivity and respect for nature, necessary to sustain life, and that the relationship between the human and animal are crucial for the continue life on this planet as we know. His quest for knowledge and understanding has never ceased and is convinced that new forms of knowledge
- of fractile geometry to the theory of chaos promise to open new doors to the awareness and understanding.

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