The Oracle Internet over
Monsters rarely birthday. Perhaps it because one of the fundamental conditions to join your union is to erase all traces of origin, any sign that leads to think that once it was not and therefore will not be ever. However, there are always traces and records to show that yes, at some point in history were born, grew stumbled and then hit the big leap that mediates between adolescence and adulthood. It's just what happened with Google, the great seeker, says the Internet, Ten years today. While
for these times seems eternal, as if he had been always there, waiting for the sailor lost at convene for orientation and information to dispel doubts, the search engine's most famous and most sought after network was born on 15 September 1997, when the American Larry Page and Russian Sergey Brin, two hitherto unknown 24-year student at Stanford University, registered the domain name of http://www.google.com/ , reserving space in this non-space, the World Wide Web. He was born as an idea and just take a year to become a full-fledged company that provides (if already not already done) to become the Internet pseudonym (although the network and will always be more, another thing that Google).
Its creators now say it was all thought, but the truth is that the name of the form born of a mistake. A Page and Brin, then students of computer science that burned eyelashes looking for a name for your initiative, a friend recommended that I put "googol" (or "gogol" in Castilian), that is, that inordinate number which is 10 to the hundredth power (a one followed by hundred zeros). But it wrong and called "google." When they tried to rectify his mistake, realized that I had gone ahead and "googol" was already taken. Much
did not care. Were more concerned about a place among the giants seekers who reigned then: Altavista, Hotbot, Yahoo, Ask Jeeves, Metacrawler and many others now forgotten that the millions of pages indexed per day that were inflating the web (which has already reached 600 000 million, that is, 100 pages per person alive on the planet). And they did, by far, today Google is the gateway to a parallel world that always promises happiness, satisfaction, total knowledge, and how to be more boasted of this era: being communicated (which is enshrined with the mandate encouraged by the Cell: being available). Google manages nearly 51 percent of total searches and is considered the fastest growing company in the history of mankind, its value is around 138 billion dollars (when he entered the stock market in 2004, shares of Google worth $ 85, now costs 525).
The success of the company and Google's brand can be traced by many sides: his clean, simple interface with a touch of color in his logo, his way of presenting and ranking web pages (thanks to an algorithm inspired by graph theory ), its constant concern to show benevolence (forcing to forget his decision to allow censorship in China) and taking away of all evil (its motto is "Do no evil" and its code of conduct states: "You can make money without being evil"), and naive to believe that their Internet "bots" or "crawlers" (an army software to index the web) take the job of covering the entire site (considered impossible task given its explosive dynamism) and deliver within seconds the answer to the question raised (by the way, Google does not search the Internet, Google searches its more than 170 000 computers where you copy or photograph of the network). However, his real skill lies in his way of being in business. Google is a bulldozer who buys strategically sites. Phagocytes. Two cases are paradigmatic: when it bought Blogger (the epicenter of all blogs) they paid almost two billion dollars to win Internet TV, YouTube.
also adds a lot of points with their voracious pace of innovation. Since its Google Labs think tank came out gems like Gmail (which joins everyday more users), Google Book Search (to search thousands of digitized books) Google Earth (bringing the cost to all Internet leads voyeur inside) the brand new Google Sky, to expand the prying curiosity of constellations and galaxies, and will soon Google Mars, to see in detail the hills of the red planet.
Questions being made worldwide are: What does Google have a plan for world domination? or how far can you go? Nobody knows, but signs point to something: not long ago Vinton Cerf (one of the fathers of the Internet) has joined the leadership of the company. A sign that Google does not step on the brake to be that Big Brother (the Orwellian, not Telefé) in every corner of cyberspace? Maybe.
But not everything is gold in "was Google." Very little, Google begins to compare it with Microsoft and criticizing that is geared to become a monopoly. That's one side. And on the other, are the allegations of violations of the privacy of users (a Once you enter the name of Google, hardly leaves).
a couple of years ago, the directors Robin Sloan and Matt Thompson produced a fake documentary they called "EPIC 2014" (now you can hunt on youtube.) There imagined future superbuscador steps and shows how to eat everything in its path. Lest the prophecy is fulfilled and deepen. And the Earth will be forced to change its name.
Source: Page12
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