Thursday, December 10, 2009

Milena Velba Decamping

SEX rebel angel

Malekin .... .

Because this nickname?

explain ... Well I used to write much poetry and had a forum ... looking for pictures of fairies to hang Malekin appeared a call ... I like that name and it was unlike anything he had heard and read k and k ... I chose it as a nickname ... the show went on with the erotic blog by the same for k was unlike anything else ... And I like and DOT ... lol

You have two blogs, one of sexual feelings and other emotions the heart, correct?

If indeed so ... the erotic is my passion, sensuality, lust written with words ... really just me. The other blog is also emotions k muxo k me see ... I am very sentimental k you gonna do ... and I thought dedicate my poems ... k I have it even somewhat neglected and I wrote some ...

In ANGEL REBELDE there is a change from a few months ago, to a longer description of the scenes, more emphasis on feeling, why this change?

Siiiiiiiiii ... k to k then say our thoughts are not part of ourselves ... it is not my case ... I assure you on my blog k'm reflected in body, soul and heart ... hehehe and the latter was quite

alone ...

What motivates you to create these blogs?, Anybody, anything?

uFFFF if ... looking for pictures and images appeared on Google Blog (Jordi accounts) and not the best ... hehehe ... and I dare send a message of blog for the interest in that world and how it worked and more ... charm that a hand me what might for k k is clearly a busy man lol ... and little by little creating ... Thanks Jordi Angel Rebelde love you I love you friend ...

Now What, did you crazy?

Hehehe ... Well, I said in my blog k and k me change my heart beat to the rhythm of love ... but it appeared someone ... I added the MSN and told me he liked what k k wrote ... empezamos nuestra relación en énfasis de solo sexual… y mira hemos acabado viviendo juntos en solo cuatro meses… por eso esta al atrasado… pero ahora empezare de nuevo… por k tengo más sexo y pasión k en toda mi vida…jajaja

Desea añadir algo más

Espero k lo sigáis todos por k sin vosotros no merece la pena escribir… k os guste y lo disfrutéis como yo hago cuando lo escribo y publico… Y RECORDAR K NUESTROS PENSAMIENTOS WE ARE PART OF IT AND IF THEY ARE MOST EROTIC KISS will take care ... ... Malekin.

Thanks for letting us spend some fun moments with you to this interview .

Monday, November 23, 2009

Common Las Vegas Sayings


Sailing blogs our fans have found one that has caught our attention, it has nothing to do with sex but it is interesting to make it known. Belongs to one of the first fans we have, is called PASTANAGA, and Alice is the creator, the eye is a blog sentimental, with occasional reflections on life and society, alongside Alicia also has a blog called LIFE, THREE MIRROR S, it seeks a more political approach, touching on topics that will not go to realize, since our goal is not to create controversy or socio-political debate co .

Alicia, PASTANAGA and three mirrors, a curious names blogs, please tell us why they chose to call them.

belle and jordi Hi, first say I am very grateful for this interview not I expected, having nothing to do with my blogs with eroticism.
Three mirrors means three stages in my life, two lives and past and it is this that I'm living, hence the name. Pastenaga was chosen by my daughter, the colors and did not seem a bad name.

We will focus on PASTANAGA, blog varied, both in photography and subjects it touches, tell us: what do you convey with your writing?

write my feelings, I really used as a therapy, those stories hidden in the drawer I wrote at a time in my life also takes place as hard times, happy feelings in a nutshell are transmitted in a humble words.

Of all the texts of the blog, which one does not feel more proud to have written? And why?

There are two very important to me, which I dedicate to my mother and I spend with my daughter. Why? I wrote with great love and sentiment.

Many of his posts seem dedicated to one or several people in particular do not seem to be always the same, do you think the recipient @ of his words are received, and understood?

No lo se, pero hablo de mi vida en ellos, he aprendido a no preocuparme por el que dirán, son historias pasadas y reales,vista desde mi perspectiva.

La mayoría de personas que leen blogs eróticos no opinan sobre lo leído, o lo hacen bajo seudónimos, y fotos no reales, ocultando su identidad real, usted no se esconde en sus opiniones, dice las cosas que piensa y no le importa que la reconozcan, le agradecemos ese detalle. Cuéntenos, por favor, ¿cómo see you. sex?

For me it's the biggest thing is the human being as long as they do with respect, I am not ashamed to say to my face and my name, why Why? I am a person and mutual respect and free opinion.

Finally, do you want to add something else that maybe is left out, like some shameful secret?

No, what secrets? we all have secrets and magic if we can go, I prefer to discover gradually.

We thank both John and I, Belle, attention, sympathy and talks very interesting, indeed, on different topics.

We wish him well and encourage to continue with his writings, although not enough, many already follow as usual.

A hug.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

How Much Acidophilus Do I Need For Thrush


Confessions of an unfaithful wife , is a newly created erotic blog with a nice touch to the reader, is in two languages, Catalan and Castilian, we who live in Catalunya, we like to find blogs in our language, it is usually not very common.

Please tell us what compelled him to create this blog?

There are several reasons. I went by chance in this world and fascinated me right away. I saw that I had things to tell, to express, I needed to take outside. In this world I found a semi-private channel anonymously to explain my deepest desires. And my desires have always been in Catalan.

Six To Hell, tell us, why a name so devilish, so strange ..

is not We're all in hell? In a hell of unbridled passions which we do not want to leave. If this is not hell, no doubt we are heading towards him.

We have read many of his writings, and if we were to give an opinion would be: short, intense and real, are you According to our definition?

not need many words to provoke reactions. These are moments I've experienced, are real and I lived with intensity. As is sorry, as he lived it, is like trying to tell.

Does the title of your blog, defines you? If so, explain why.

No, I am much more than that, something that I am is on the blog, but who I really am no one knows, not even me.

Thank you for this brief but intense interview, please follow that closely.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Volley Ball And Spandex Cameltoe


noemas Amala, a really unusual name for a blog of erotic stories to "properly?

Amala Noema born as a tribute to writer Julio Cortázar and his book "Rayuela". Chapter 68 describes a sexual act impossible words. It seems, at first glance, nothing makes sense. However, reading everything imaginable reveals sex between a man and a woman. It is a very good text for broadcasters. It helps to improve reading aloud and pronunciation.

the very beginning, the first sentence "Just Amal El noema him, it was crowded the clémiso", describes the action of the man's tongue in females. As this is something that even a special, I love do and I have spent many hours doing I thought it was the best way to combine the female fans with the wording. I think many people believe that eating her pussy a woman is a mere exercise of lubrication to enhance penetration. However, a cunnilingus fellatio is like, with the advantage that it can develop for much longer and if, as in my case, to pursue the pleasure of women is something that can entirely satisfy you too.

His blog has many posts that seem autobiographical we can cross over it.

lying if I said that all published post are the product of my imagination. However, it is equally true that in most of them, unfortunately, I was never present. I like to narrate thinking about what I do, but to ensure that people, especially women, continue to be people, objects not just say "yes" "do good" or "what a cock, break me your ass" . I write not to revalue, writing to reassess many of the pleasures that come with sex.

Why attracts him oral sex to women?

I can not complain about my physical attributes. Take good care of the details. However, when I practiced for the first time oral sex in a long time, I found it a form of flattery boasted little in the talks of men. We always expect to talk about how we, as we handle, we have the stamina, or just how good they are.

sexual The one I met had "arrived" was "You have the language of solidarity that I have ever seen." That's what really motivated me to elaborate the most in this practice.

your blog is really fascinating and magical, which can give advice to females, what is your inspiration?

I love the conversation, is innate. I try not to look like a machine gun or a lead when I talk. But I love talking to women, I think that is also a sexual practice. I have spent many years talking with many women about their sexual preferences. With most I've ever had contact beyond words. But it is true, as I said before, if many people believe that eating her pussy a woman is just a passport to the facility, check it no less true that women want to be heard even when it comes to sex, because in conversation is the best way to achieve maximum pleasure.

I have seen women masturbate to me as something experimental, as a way to meet females. Even I have to order it as a visual exercise of satisfaction. I can spend hours looking at the body of a natural woman, in silence, as if discovering a planet or something. But then, as in any scientific process, I want the verbal conclusions.

I think the game of seduction is essential, but so is knowing the most of your lover, if circumstances permit, because sex can end up being as dreary as a relationship where everything is made of same way. Should also rebelling against the sexual mores, or life can not give us a wider range of pleasures.

A confession I have ever confessed. You dare?.

Although I know some, because I have heard loudly without saying a drop of alcohol, sometimes I think my desire for the female sex, for having come to spend hours making oral sex on a woman without expecting anything in return is that you may have a lesbian spirit, despite being a man.

Another confession would be that perhaps, sometime, I mind sex with a man. Some are cute and very handsome, is a matter of aesthetics than male self-esteem and their own tradition are blinded to deny only to prove their "manhood."

And while we put a third one, no offense, I have not met one woman that will get oral sex without having sexual act other springs.

has been a pleasure to walk through one of the most delicate and elegant blogs of the blogosphere, not to mention the sexual eroticism in it. Want to add something else?.

For these considerations I appreciate the elegance of my blog, despite being so austere and I hope to continue enjoying the texts of the bloggers (just think I have a male fan, which I understand) because you get to know even more women. Although I would recommend that to know them better, explore one of the best in every way and as far as possible, despite being told that every woman is different.

Thank you for attending, has been a pleasure to your company.

will continue to exactly the Ten Commandments of Amal, (stories).

Monday, September 14, 2009

Examples Of Confidentiality Clause



From here and through this blog, we express our sorrow over the great loss we have just suffered all lovers of erotic stories. A single person, who will no longer be among us.

We wanted to recover the interview graciously granted us months ago, as a posthumous tribute to a great man.

We found a blog with a touch "different" to most, with some BDSM, if it can be cataloged, very different stories about sexual content.

Do you agree with this statement, or do you define a little more?

If indeed my blog is related to BDSM, and contain a varied repertoire of stories with explicit adult content, type sexual. There are also those that contain a considerable burden and other sentimental however, are based on the morbid, curiosities and fantasies of the most colorful people you can imagine. Some also deal with bestiality, which goes far beyond the BDSM, because in the known limits are broken looking for a reality that sometimes exists and appears to be limited only by the wisdom of the practitioner, with knowledge of risks involved.

It notes that despite the high content of physical punishment, sexual and psychological toll on some of the writings, you are very detailed with descriptions people and situations, without falling into vulgarity.
We wonder ... How much fantasy and how much to actually have their stories. Dare to tell what secrets hide punishing and what your professional success? .

content of all kinds in my stories is very high, it is true, but it is also true that when a person seeks a particular type of sex with a planned load of sexuality, morbid and vice, this is not limited only to your body, but extends to their psyche and their senses, that are part of his being or person. Everything has its importance in the development of events and the steps or phases that takes place every action rather than study, according to the reaction of each person in particular and precise times to the stimuli it receives and issues in each situation. If we assume that the illness is for the senses and the service for meat but adds a psychological strength is as important as confidence and security, and all we need to start the process is achieved. Just miss the right environment and give full at the time actually. We must remember that everything that relates to sex, has a before, a during and an later. That is precisely why I'm so thorough and meticulous with each case and individual.

The descriptions are very important when doing a story about a situation or personal experience that I have lived with a lot of intensity. If these descriptions were missing in such detail and thoroughness, the story would only be words written and only need the eyes to read. With the details, I wrap the mind of the reader with something called empathic and I share in what I do, I say, think and feel at all times. With this way of describing my all, took him by the hand and step by step details that are very important to me, making a guide or illustrator of his understanding and imagine what you read at all times, but also showing everything in the exact order I want to see and what I see and understand, every second of your time, with the intention of grabbing all your mind and the complicity of their participation in the first person in any situation or action. I do not know if I succeeded, but this is exactly my intention.
Who gets paid for their satisfaction with it many benefits. It saves remain dissatisfied, you do not understand what they need and want, which are very different things and also get good sex. Because sex is one thing and good sex is best sex.
All my stories are real and in them there is nothing fictional. Each event or situation as told by me, as it has happened and describe it in exact chronological order in which they happened.
My professional success in this world that I move and unwrap, is the empathy I have with whom I interact .. I can feel what they feel in every moment and situation to which I or submit, but I can also make them feel what I want and how I want to feel those moments. I am very aware of every gesture that they accuse their faces, their eyes, their voices, their gestures, because it tells me about everything related to the current situation as me who controls them and causes. Body Language this is called. I have to achieve not only satisfy all the necessary and agreed, I also make time to live their full reality. I look at her face and see that it's real what I feel, pretending nothing is not a single performance and it fills them with lust and desire to defect. I give a hundred percent to my job and this is the most important of all. Live, not just make it happen for those who pay a service.

Explain please ... What is it that makes people pay for sex with pain, sex drive or aggressive and want that point of pain pleasurable?.

In principle moves us all 'curiosity about the unknown and it is this curiosity that leads to the morbidity of any type whatsoever. It sharpens the senses and perception of certain types of feel and see and understand things and this is precisely what leads us gradually more and more curious, which equals more and more morbid time. We feed our sense by working full time and time again and this leads us to be ever more lurid, until it goes a little further and you reach the service. Vice is all unhealthy human habit, which while not necessary, is used to abuse her. Everything in order, both bad and good in adequate amount is tolerable, if we spend is flawed and harmful. Once you have exceeded the limits of curiosity and the same flaw, you get to the extremes are always dangerous, but not all people look hard or painful sex, pain or pleasure for the same reasons.
Sex with pain at a given moment are the senses to the surface and the pleasure is very intense, can be pleasurable in quantity and adequate duration. People become accustomed to this particular type of pain and the moment they feel it and every time they want and intensify further both the length of time, as the intensity of pain they need to feel. If you get a callus on his hand, blows every time you hurt less. For the same Thus, the stimulus of pain grows at a point in the brain that will increasingly greater tolerance to that stimulus. The more pain, the bigger it makes this point and so on, until there is no pleasure without pain very intense and long lasting. Erogenous zones of the body respond to tactile stimulation, heat, pressure, cold, etc ... then similarly, the brain responds to stimuli to which the usual, are the type and intensity are determined.
I think and I think for my many experiences, people seeking sex aggressive, pain or punishment of any kind, just need this stimulation to feel good about themselves and reason is not important. Pay because they like paying for a service that could do either, which is prepared and sensitized on the issue. Pay to see the face of those who take them by force, because that is precisely his pleasure, to see with their eyes the other's eyes and read to them his intentions and feel in your body and mind, the burden of sexual aggression to them subjected against their will, they can dominate them physically and psychologically, bends them and makes them submissive as to force, simply because they can because they like to feel bowed to the force, used and labor. I need like the air we breathe. This is the reason besides many others. Pleasure or pain with pain pleasurable.

Damita Fantasies, We are "intrigued" him. Can not you get a preview before we go to for it?, Well not name them in your writing.

Damita is a great person with whom you share moments of my life and certainly not involved in any way, in my experience either directly or indirectly. This is precisely why I prefer to put it out of the trouble of punishing forty. What woman would endure?.

wish to add anything more, this is your time.

I mean, I do what I do because it is a job I enjoy doing and enjoy it. I love to refer to people who accept it and let me show his dark side safely, painlessly and without taboos. As a sex worker and all its variations, I enjoy delving into the inside of people and uncovering their most hidden secrets about sex and sexuality, thus demonstrating that there is nothing wrong with feeling or experience they like this or that, if is accepted, allowed and despite what seems, with great respect. I am a seductive, naughty, Gulf and charming, but I know the respect and the value of feelings. If I have to mourn, weep and do not restrain my feelings because that's me. Affectionate, tender and understanding. Cool, hard to peel and a couple of good reasons.
pudieses If you ever realize your most secret fantasy about sex, a desire, or a morbid curiosity with which you dream and you have always wanted to live and experience ... Would not you pay for it ...?. Everyone who responds to himself ...


Friday, August 21, 2009

Hd Semi Professionel Camcorder


BEAUTIFUL BEAST "is a real name or invented for the illness?

BELLE my real name is of French origin, as you know my mother is French and my father Catalan, translated into Castilian would BELLA, Beast is not my name, put it in the background because I am a sexual beast, I give everything in love without expecting anything in return.

Bella is a woman sure of herself, which has never had is if you have suffered much in love. I'm so, but want to know. My question is: "BELLA, YOU HAVE SUFFERED MUCH IN LOVE?"

Yes, very much, I fall in love with a person without honor or feelings, he suffered a lot and made me suffer a lot, I do not regret anything but exchange things of the past. In fact life has taught me a better person at all times and above all always be myself no matter who weighs.

Jason VII:
Hello Bella. I read all your stories and I always wonder how a woman can be so feminine and feminist at the same time. I would like to tell us how you live, or to me that I think, this duality of feelings.

'm female but not I characterized by a feminist, I just think I am a free soul, I love sex and do not hide, I enjoy every touch, with every kiss and give it to whomever is with me without demanding anything in return.
"The duality of my feelings? I try to reflect what I feel in every moment, try to reflect my personality in every story in every thought, every photograph, write how I feel, as I see in my imagination.

What attracts you more of a man at first glance, their appearance or intelligence?

Of course sin as 99% of humans, by their appearance, then you have to assess whether they can talk about everything or just a be empty. In fact beauty is passing must be very aware that good looks can not buy happiness if we do not have minimal values.

Bella, are you aware of you has raised passions in men and women who follow him, even some of his followers can not lie down without take a look at your blog?

The truth that I am aware, I consider myself a normal girl, writing in a journal open to the public, where I have freedom to write my way, imaginative storytelling, poems that have meant something in my life and real experiences, where even the morbid curiosity that gives me pleasure invention .
really writing to me and surprised me a lot when someone tells me that you love what you write, rather embarrassed me, deep down do not stop being a shy girl.

If you want to add something else, this is your time.

say I'm glad that women we write erotic blogs we read with interest that we want to bring the reader and we express it in their comments. I have discovered many things in me that thought did not exist in the wake of the creation of the blog. I'm glad I echo.

Thanking everyone. And a big kiss.

Thank beautiful to discover a little more of his fascinating personality.

Friday, August 7, 2009

My Friend Is Jealous Of My Engagement


We dare to go deeper with the author in one of the most fascinating blogs : LOVELY OF DEMONS. (4 questions and a confession).

LOVELY OF DEMONS , an impressive stage name, can you explain what they mean to you?

We each have our demons, right?
For once, a friend was commenting on that, and I said I glad I have my demons, to which she replied, because then you are a lovely demons, this was how the name.
And that's what I try, further delighting my demons.

reflections on his blog precious feelings are very close, careful and delicate aesthetic scenery. How does an inspiration so full of feelings that makes us dream of love without limits?

am a person who feels, and when I feel, is that I deeply, both good and bad. I am visceral in nature, with the years I have learned to control, but it is sometimes impossible, especially when you love. To this we join
I like writing, not more, without seeking anything. Let it flow what you feel and you engage in these moments, allowing your fingers to become an extension of your thoughts, your desires, your experiences, your dreams ... everything that you are a human being who is vivo. I love
Beauty, of whatever nature (a landscape, a woman, a man, a picture) I love to admire the beauty. Anything that makes me feel that caress the soul, my body, my spirit. And all that I try to capture in my blog.

We moved to an unusual erotic poetry to posts that make us really think about private sensations transmitted to us, what do you get inspired to achieve this goal in the reader?

There are many experiences in them, mixed with fantasy. Everything I am saying sorry, perhaps it comes to the person who reads it.
They leave bits of my soul, be it sadness, joy, love, despair ... everything in this moment I feel.
I like to feel and sex is no different. I surrender to the person I am, feeling it fill up while passing it with all my body, my eyes, my gestures, my breath, there are no limits. That would also reflected
not do otherwise.

What shameful confession would dare to tell us how lovely demons.

If you confess, would not be shameful, right? jajajaja
What I can say is that over the years I've become a wiser woman and I have learned to know and meet people.
Human nature sometimes strives to complicate things, when everything is easier. We should learn to live day by day, respected and respectable, accepting our weakness and misery of others. We are not perfect, of Me!

Want to add something else?

Yes, I would say something, which I think is very important in these times.
Beauty is not measured, either in cm or kg. The beauty can be found at a glance in a gesture, a caress. Goes beyond the physical. We stand a little more open and our minds, allowing our senses to enjoy the simple things, that after all are the most enjoyable.

Thank you so much for being so lovely despite being a demon.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Where To Buy A Scarf Toronto

We enter the wonderful world of MEDEA :

Medea "is his real name or artistic hideaway used to seduce?


Your blog is amazing, the reality of his writings, possessiveness and particularity that you put in each text, suggests that we are real experiences. What does the impetus to create such a blog?


A blog dedicated to it xo and created by a woman also is unusual in cyberspace, do you think that more men than women read?

READ THINK More men than women, but I think writing about it, more women than men. MEN NEED TO BE IDENTIFIED WITH THE FANTASIES WRITTEN BY WOMEN, BUT WOMEN NEED TO BE HEARD. Our heart is in constant turmoil.

Want to add something, maybe new projects, we can advance anything?


Thank you so much for sharing with us all of his life and leave us with this good feeling.