Sailing blogs our fans have found one that has caught our attention, it has nothing to do with sex but it is interesting to make it known. Belongs to one of the first fans we have, is called PASTANAGA, and Alice is the creator, the eye is a blog sentimental, with occasional reflections on life and society, alongside Alicia also has a blog called LIFE, THREE MIRROR S, it seeks a more political approach, touching on topics that will not go to realize, since our goal is not to create controversy or socio-political debate co .
Alicia, PASTANAGA and three mirrors, a curious names blogs, please tell us why they chose to call them.
belle and jordi Hi, first say I am very grateful for this interview not I expected, having nothing to do with my blogs with eroticism.
Three mirrors means three stages in my life, two lives and past and it is this that I'm living, hence the name. Pastenaga was chosen by my daughter, the colors and did not seem a bad name.
We will focus on PASTANAGA, blog varied, both in photography and subjects it touches, tell us: what do you convey with your writing?
write my feelings, I really used as a therapy, those stories hidden in the drawer I wrote at a time in my life also takes place as hard times, happy feelings in a nutshell are transmitted in a humble words.
Of all the texts of the blog, which one does not feel more proud to have written? And why?
There are two very important to me, which I dedicate to my mother and I spend with my daughter. Why? I wrote with great love and sentiment.
Many of his posts seem dedicated to one or several people in particular do not seem to be always the same, do you think the recipient @ of his words are received, and understood?
No lo se, pero hablo de mi vida en ellos, he aprendido a no preocuparme por el que dirán, son historias pasadas y reales,vista desde mi perspectiva.
La mayoría de personas que leen blogs eróticos no opinan sobre lo leído, o lo hacen bajo seudónimos, y fotos no reales, ocultando su identidad real, usted no se esconde en sus opiniones, dice las cosas que piensa y no le importa que la reconozcan, le agradecemos ese detalle. Cuéntenos, por favor, ¿cómo see you. sex?
Finally, do you want to add something else that maybe is left out, like some shameful secret?
No, what secrets? we all have secrets and magic if we can go, I prefer to discover gradually.
We thank both John and I, Belle, attention, sympathy and talks very interesting, indeed, on different topics.
We wish him well and encourage to continue with his writings, although not enough, many already follow as usual.
A hug.
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