Sunday, January 1, 2006

Cat Frontline Syringe

miss your hands

Open your eyes at dawn and find
alone, naked and beautiful. Feeling lightweight
miss your hands. Green

the morning light, the prisoner.
wounded, at the mercy of your ghosts. Feeling pain and longing
your hands. Remind

at noon to my right,
keep my dreams, watching yours.
tenderness and yearning Feeling your hands. Learn

afternoon that day
no happy while you're not happy.
feel the anger and yearning for your hands. Discover

when it gets dark
only thing left to give is not to touch.
Feeling sad and miss your hands.

And at night, face down in bed, dreaming
your hand squeezing mine,
the weight of your soft body on my body.
feel that I love you.
And miss your hands.


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